Newborn Portraits

Max- In-Home Lifestyle Newborn Portraits- Monmouth County New Jersey

Oh Max. You're such a little love with your button nose and your mama's red hair. At 19 days new, you were just the perfect little model. Big brother Frankie behaved like a dream as well. It's not easy to get a newborn and toddler to cooperate and at one point Frankie wanted to roll Max...he didn't but you get the idea. Life lessons are learned during photography sessions. Other than that, Frankie did everything he was asked and more. And how stunning is mama?! And dad, you're handsome too! I loved the outfit choices and I especially loved Max's woodland themed nursery; he fits right in, don't you agree? I envy mom's eye for design. It's such a pleasure being able to capture these brand new babies in the space they are going to grow up in and to be able to document those spaces the parents have worked hard to create and design. Thanks for having me Stephanie and Lou!